Here are some workouts from the research I have been reading. Please add this to your practice routines but make sure that all swimmers are performing at exact Race Pace. If a specific distance wasn’t at Race Pace then the swimmer needs to rest until able to perform and resume the set.
A. Race Pace sets
1. Please adjust the amount of time spent on each rest interval based on your swimmers progress.
2. Determine desired Race Pace, 100, 200 etc. please document and keep results.
3. Continue to lower the rest interval as suggested below and continue past :20 rest.
4. You will then increase the distance holding Race Pace and start over again with :30 rest.
Weeks 1 and 2
16 x 25 at Race Pace :30 rest, 1:30 additional rest after each set of 16.
(This set should last about one hour)
Weeks 3 and 4
16 x 25 at Race Pace :25 rest, 1:30 additional rest after each set of 16.
(This set should last about one hour)
Weeks 5 and 6
16 x 25 at Race Pace :20 rest, 1:30 additional rest after each set of 16.
(This set should last about one hour)
Weeks 7 and beyond
8 x 50 at Race Pace starting at :30 rest, 1:30 additional rest after each set of 8.
(This set should last about one hour)
Weeks 8 and beyond
6 x 75 at Race Pace starting at :30 rest, 1:30 additional rest after each set of 8.
(This set should last about one hour)
Weeks 9 and beyond based on your swimmer
4 x 100 at Race Pace starting at :30 rest maybe breaking the 100 at the 75 for :15 rest at first then lowering the rest between 100’s and at the 75.
B. Short Anaerobic set
I think all of you know how to accomplish this. Feel free to us the 23 week and 14 week programs for a plethora of workouts and your guide for the whole season.
C. Short Sprints Across Pool
1. This set should be your main set lasting about one hour.
2. Fly kick underwater on back/stomach simulating what you want on each lap in a meet.
3. All strokes working on breakouts as desired in a meet.
4. High-Quality swimming, Cords, power racks, etc.
5. 20 x short sprints stroke at Race Pace(you will need to figure this out per each set distance)
:20 – :25 rest interval
D. Short Sprints using a specific distance.
1. Similar to above but only lasting about 15 minutes.
2. Tarzan would be another option
Basic Layout:
Monday – A and C
Tuesday – B and C
Wednesday – A and D
Thursday – B and C
Friday – A and D
Sample workout from study:
Warm up: 2 x 200 IM at 80% and 90% rest one minute.
Underwater kicking skill: 12 x 15(short) double leg kicking deep on :45.
Recovery: 300 backstroke at own pace.
Race Pace Set 1: 20 x 50 free at 200 Race Pace on 1:00
Recovery: 400 kicking. Choice of two strokes.
Race Pace Set 2: 30 x 25 fly or breast at 100 Race Pace (include underwater work) on :45.
Recovery: 200 back kicking
Race Pace Set 3: 30 x 25 back at 100 Race Pace (include underwater work) on :45
Recovery: as needed.
Be consistent with this program!
All feedback is welcome.
This article is created from the readings of: Swimming Science Bulletin Number 39, Produced, edited and copyrighted by Professor Emeritus Brent S. Rushall, San Diego State University Swimming Energy Training in the 21st Century: The Justification For Radical Changes – Brent S. Rushall, Ph.D.,R.Psy