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7 Week Speed Refinement Program – Week 4, Workout 7 & 8

Workout #7

Warm up: start into 300 choice swim @ 70%

Set #1

12 x 75 two strokes by 3 x 75 inc stroke count each 25

:10 rest check heart rate once each stroke to determine speedkeep heart rate +/- 24 – 26 50 easy

Set #2

8 x 125

1-4 swim with paddles, 5-8 fins swim/paddles choice on 3:00

1-4  alternate fly(one arm with paddles) / free by 25(3 laps of fly each 125), 5-8 free

1st two 125s of each set last 75 build last 50 sprint50 easy

4 x 25 partner racing free swim on :50

4 x 25 build to sprint 25’s tarzan on :50

100 easy

2,900 yards

Workout #8

Warm up: 300 choice, 6 x 50 swim descend by 2, 6 x 25 build each swim, 50 easy :10 rest

Set #1 alternate top stroke kick / second stroke kick by distance :15 rest

3 x 200 kick VS by 50 75% – 100%

6 x 50 kick 1-3 VS by 25 75% – 100%, 4-6 VS by 25 100% – 75%

150 alternate 25 3 up tarzan sprint 4 down easy / 25 choice swim @ 70%

8 x 25 5 fast kicks / 5 slow kicks

6 x 50 10 fast kicks / 10 slow kicks

2 x 100 15 fast kicks / 15 slow kicks

150 alternate 25 5 up tarzan spring 6 down easy / 25 choice swim @ 70%

100 easy

Set #2 rest as needed

OVERSPEED 4 x 25 2 – top stroke, 2 second stroke

4 x 25, tarzan

4 x 25 on :25 top stroke swim @ 100 RP

4 x 75 recovery on 1:10

3,400 yards

SEE ALSO  7 Week Speed Refinement Program - Week 5, Workout 9 & 10
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